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​​​Other Features of Interest​​


​​Main Gate

The Main Gate made of wrought iron is a lovely architectural structure and is considered as a gift donated by Francois Lienard de la Mivoie. It is located in its present site since 1868. The beauty of the Main Gate is enhanced by the presence of coat of Arms, a unicorn and a crown on top of each of the pillars. It is argued that in 1862 this structure won the first prize at the International Exhibition held at the Crystal Palace in United Kingdom.
 Pont des Soupirs
Pont des Soupirs is a unique structure which dates back to the French period. This stone bridge can act as a source of inspiration to the poet/visitor.
The rare feature about this Pont des Soupirs is that the river Citron flows under the bridge and at the same time water from Riley Canal flows over it.
